Estimation of specific charge value before blast operation


  • Abdurrahman Tosun


In the literature, many equations estimating the size distribution of pile occurred according to the specific charge value before blasting, the efficiency of loader and the efficiency of the crusher have been developed. It is necessary to compute clearly the specific charge value before blasting so that these developed equations can give correct results the Length of the blasting surface and the order number of blasthole affect the specific charge value considerably (Tosun et al., 2013). In this study, a certain number of blast tests have been carried out in three different limestone quarry and an equation estimating the specific charge value before blasting was developed by using the parameters such as the length of the blasting surface, the order number of blasthole (the amount of burden of both end holes of the blasting surface), the height of the bench, uniaxial compressive strength of the rock, and  the amount of explosives available in one meter of the blasthole.  



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