Response of rhizobium to spent engine-oil contamination in the rhizosphere of legumes (arachis hypogaea and phaseolus vulgaris)
Contamination, legume, Rhizobium, rhizosphere, nodule, spent engine-oilAbstract
Indiscriminate releases of spent-engine oil into the environment portend danger to legume nodulation activities by Rhizobium. To ascertain this, response of Rhizobium to spent engine-oil in the rhizosphere of A. hypogaea and P. vulgaris were studied by growing viable seeds in spent engine-oil contaminated soil at 0, 1.0 and 3.0 % w/w for 120 days. Influence of oil on total populations of heterotrophs and Rhizobium in rhizosphere and nodule were estimated by soil dilution plate method on nutrient agar (NA) and yeast extract manitol agar (YEMA) respectively. Plant height and root growth assessed using graduated metre rule; nodule and pod numbers by counting. Results showed population of Rhizobium in rhizosphere and nodule decreased with increased oil concentrations in contrast to observed increases in bacterial heterotrophs for tested legumes (P ˂ 0.05). Plant height, root length, nodule and pod formation decreased with increased oil concentrations in soil (P ˂ 0.05). Spent engine-oil impeded Rhizobium response in rhizosphere of legumes.
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