Optimal selection of wastewater treatment and location for subway stations using mathematical techniques: Five stations at the eastern end of Tehran subway line 2


  • Sepideh Ghaderi Dept.of Environmental Management, Faculty of Environment and Energy, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
  • Amirhossein Javid Dept. of Environmental Engineering-Water/ Wastewater Pollution, Faculty of Environment and Energy, Science and Research Branch Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
  • Hamidreza Ghaffarzadeh Dept. of Environmental Economics, Faculty of Environment and Energy, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
  • Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotf Dept.of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Background and objectives: There are several methods to choose the optimum method and position of wastewater treatment facilities as two separate tasks. However, making these two decisions at the same time is a function of several parameters. MCDM technique is one of the best options when controversial criteria need to be taken into account. Moreover, when several controversial objectives need to be taken into account, multi-objective decision making method (MODM) is an option and the best answer is determined using mathematic programming methods. The present paper is an attempt to find an optimum location for wastewater facilities and an optimum wastewater treatment system for subway stations using mathematical techniques in Lingo software.

Methodology: The study was carried out as a quantitative applied study in the five stations of east-end of Tehran Subway Line 2. The model to follow several minimizing objectives was defined using linear binary programming. In terms of constraints of the study, financial constraint, spatial constraint, and capacity constraint are notable.

Findings: Five scenarios were defined to choose the location and method of wastewater treatment optimally. Given the objective function and the constraints, the scenario 1 (collecting all wastewaters in Sarsabz station and pumping to the urban ego system) was adopted as the optimum scenario.

Conclusion: The study showed that finding the optimum method and location of a wastewater treatment system is a big challenge and the decision making method adopted here was capable of yielding the best scenario given the objective function and the constraints.


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