The political districting of Kuwait: Heuristic approaches
Combinatorial optimization, constraint propagation, heuristics, integer programming, multiple objective.Abstract
This paper models the political districting of Kuwait as a multiple objective combinatorialoptimization problem, where each political system is assessed in terms of population andvoting equity, geographical contiguity, and social, religious, ethnic, family size, and educationalhomogeneity. First, it proposes four constructive heuristics and a specialized simulatedannealing to generate alternative non-dominated districting plans that may "guarantee" anational consensus. Second, it searches for a districting plan that optimizes a set of criteria(classified as hard and soft constraints) using a tree-search based heuristic. The heuristic takesadvantage and combines the orthogonal but complementary strengths of constraint and integerprogramming. Finally, it compares the proposed solution to both the existing and the previouslyapplied patterns. Thus, this paper offer politicians a multiple criteria evaluation method thatthey may apply to choose the most "appropriate" political districting pattern.References
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