Anti-Compton system for environmental radioactivity studies at Kuwait University
, Compton Suppression, Gamma Spectrometry, NORM, RadioactivityAbstract
The Center for Research in Environmental Radiation (CRER) at Kuwait University has installed an anti-Compton system of gamma spectrometry.The system was mainly intended for the detection and measurement of natural occurring radioactive matter (NORM). In this work, the ability of this system to enhance photopeak visibility by suppressing Compton counts
is demonstrated. Measurements of the suppression ratio (SR) were from 12 to 45 for the 60Co spectrum.In addition, the suppression factor (SF) was measured to be 6 for the 60Co photopeak of 1173 keV. The performance results similar to previous anti-Compton systems research referenced. Plans to improve and optimize our system’s performance were set for future work.
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