Applications of well logging techniques to evaluate the groundwater aquifers in the area between southwest Bani Sweif and west Asyoute governorate, upper Egypt
DOI: 10.48129/kjs.17333
Applications of well logging techniques to evaluate the groundwateraquifers in the area between southwest Bani Sweif and west Asyoute governorate, upper Egypt Safi Eldein.M. Metwally 1, Shimaa. M. Elska 1, *, Fardous. M. Zarif 1, Abdallah. F. Saad 21 Dept. of geophysical exploration, Desert Research Center, Cairo, Egypt 2Dept of Physics., Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt *Corresponding author: AbstractThe relevance of detecting aquifer characterization and aquifer potential has risen with the application of well logging technique as the demand for water has increased. Apart from pumping data, 16 geophysical well logs (resistivity, gamma ray, self-potential, and nuclear logs) are utilized to achieve the main goal of estimating petrophysical parameters (porosity (∅), effective porosity (∅!""), hydraulic conductivity (k), permeability (K) and shale volume (